705-750-1116 Ext 320 info@shdi.ca

Your Safety Is Our Top Priority

We know how tempting it might be to enter the building site to view the construction progress on your new home and see the colour selections you have made.

A construction site is a hazardous place for those without the proper safety attire or experience on the worksite and any such entry is strictly prohibited unless authorized by your Sales Representative and construction staff.

If you do wish to book a walk-through of your home while under construction (prior to drywall), we suggest the following steps:

A. Contact your Sales Representative to request a Walk-Through Appointment.
B. Co-ordinate time and date.
C. Visit sales office just prior to appointment.
D. Meet construction staff at arranged location and time.
E. Tour home under construction with construction representative.
F. Proper personal protective equipment is required. Please consult with your Sales Representative for details

Prior to closing you will be requested to complete a Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI), you’ll have plenty of time to view your entire home in detail with the help of a Safe Harbour,  Service Representative.

* No one under the age of 16 is allowed on site at any time, regardless of safety equipment. Only the individuals listed on the offer will be allowed to enter the property with your Sales Representative and construction staff.

