705-750-1116 Ext 320 info@shdi.ca

Pre-Delivery Inspection

Tips – What To Bring, What To Expect
Your home has been built with care and will be inspected by our technical staff during construction. Municipal building inspectors, hydro, plumbing and gas inspectors will further examine your home to ensure builder code requirements are met.

Your PDI appointment will be scheduled approximately one week prior to your closing date. A Safe Harbour representative will accompany you or a designate of your choice on a thorough “Pre-Delivery Inspection” of your new home.

During this PDI, you will be asked to identify any damaged, incomplete or missing items, or anything which is not functioning correctly. These items will all be listed on a form, which you will review and sign to confirm its accuracy.

At the same time, you will review and sign a Certificate of Completion & Possession and a Warranty Certificate (CCP), which lists your home’s Tarion Warranty Program enrolment numbers as well as the date of possession (which is when your warranty officially starts).

The PDI is your first chance to view your new home in its completed form. It is also your best opportunity to learn how to operate your home’s systems, so feel free to ask as many questions as you like. If you are unable to assess something because it has not yet been installed, completed or cleaned, please note this on the PDI form as well.

Look for things like chips in the countertops, damage to floors, walls and doors, as well as windows that do not open or close easily…and examine the exterior as carefully as the interior.

The PDI is an important final step in your purchase of a new home and we recommend that you do not bring along children or friends. If you intend to have a designate conduct the PDI in your place, please provide us with written approval, with Attendees Name and contact information.
